Thursday, 22 January 2015

Clarification regarding purchase of Air Tickes from Authorised Travel agents for the purpose of LTC

Sukanya Samriddhi :- Account for girl Child

A new Scheme introduced by Central Govt for the welfare of Girl Child.

Lets have a look at highlight of "Sukanya Samriddhi"

  • A legal Guardian/ Natural guardian can open account in the name of Girl child
  • A Guardian can open only one account in the name of one girl Child and maximum of two accounts in the name of two different Girl Child
  • Account can be open upto the age of 10 years only from date of birth.
  • KYC of Guardian is strictly needed.
  • No Nomination facility
  • Minimum Amount for opening 1000/- maximum in financial year 150000/- Subsequent deposit multiples of 100/
  • Account can be closed after completion of 21 years.
  • Premature Closure will be allowed after Girl reaches 18 years. Provided that girl is married.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

SB ORDER 2013 at a glance

Amendment in Rule 4A of Post Office Savings Account Rules 1981 thereby allowing deposits other than wages under MGNREGA into worker wages account
Enhancement of limit for verification of withdrawals from Savings account made at Extra departmental/ SUB/ Branch office  and Single handed Post offices reg
Identification of PPF accounts  and admissibility of interest in such accounts reg:
Revision in interest in small savings account reg:
Change of Mode of dispatch of list of outstation cheques   along with cheque for clearance from registered to Insured
Acceptance of business from SAS agent reg:
Admissibility of commission on deposit  in POTD accounts to GDSBPM
Reduction in preservation periods  of records under prevention of Money Laundering act 2002- reg:
Introduction of “ Basic savings account” under Post office savings  account rule 1981 to facilitate opening of Zero balance accounts by beneficiaries of any Govt  welfare scheme reg:
Deduction of TDS at the Time payment of quarterly interest from SCSS accounts, withdrawal from NSS 87 accounts , Payment of Commission to Agents and issue of TDS certificate in Form 16A

Problem faced by Small Savings Agents
Change in procedure of payment of commission to SAS/ MPBKY Agents and PRSG Leaders in the post offices to be migrated to Finacle CBS Application

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Pen drive show empty even when data exists

         This is a different situation that you might experience in your daily life. The Data might be very important to you. How to restore the data. A simple line of command will help you.

Click on "Start" -->Run --> Type cmd and press Enter. 

Here I assume your pendrive drive letter as G: 

Enter this command. 

attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:\*.* --> Press Enter 

Note: Replace your drive letter with g

This will surely work for you as it work for me

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Conducting of LDCE for promotion of the Cadre of IP (Kerala Circle)

                        As there are no vacancy in the cadre of IP in Kerala Circle for the Inspector of Posts Examination 2013 scheduled to be held on 7th and 8th September 2013,Competent Authority has decided that the above said examination will not be conducted in the Circle.

SB Order 2013 upto June 2013

SB Order No
Download Link
Amendment in Rule 4A of Post Office Savings Account Rules 1981 thereby allowing deposits other than wages under MGNREGA into worker wages account
Enhancement of limit for verification of withdrawals from Savings account made at Extra departmental/ SUB/ Branch office  and Single handed Post offices reg

Identification of PPF accounts  and admissibility of interest in such accounts reg:
Revision in interest in small savings account reg:
Change of Mode of dispatch of list of outstation cheques   along with cheque for clearance from registered to Insured
Acceptance of business from SAS agent reg:
Admissiblity of commission on deposit  in POTD accounts to GDSBPM
Reduction in preservation periods  of records under prevention of Money Laundering act 2002- reg:
Introduction of “ Basic savings account” under Post office savings  account rule 1981 to facilitate opening of Zero balance accounts by beneficiaries of any Govt  welfare scheme reg:

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Clarification regarding the eligibility of junior/senor RDs/serving in central /state govt. hospital to avil PLI product

Clarification regarding the eligibility of junior/senor RDs/serving in central /state govt. hospital to avil PLI product

Friday, 25 January 2013

DOP Browser 2.0

DOP browser 2.0 developed by is a gool tool to be used in Divisional/Regional and Postal offices to monitor Post office sites

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